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Our Projects

We currently focus our efforts on areas of conservation:

  • Community-based conservation model

  • Protection of wildlife habitats and corridors

  • Reduction of human-wildlife conflicts

  • Anti-poaching mission

  • Reduction of illegal grazing 

  • ​Rescuing injured endangered species


Community-Based Conservation Model

We believe that the key to conservation in Africa is to support the local community ​on how to live and thrive sustainably.

  • We help to creates jobs for the local community.

  • We support 5 schools around Olkinyei Conservancy.

  • We empower local women through the Mara Women Development Project.​

  • We support Ecotourism to Olkinyei conservancy and other parts in Kenya

Reduction of Human-Wildlife Conflicts

Stronger bomas prevent lions from jumping into livestock enclosures and eating the local people's farm animals. We have built 11 lion-proof bomas for local masai families around Olkinyei Conservancy, and are working on building more!

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Anti-Poaching Initiative

We donated 5 vehicles, 32 motorbikes and GPS, tents, sleeping bags, torches, walking radios to KWS, Masai Mara
National Reserve, Samburu National reserves and many conservancies in Mara, Laikipia and Tsavo.

Our Projects: Programs

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